Best Day Trip From Cartagena

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While Cartagena offers a myriad of enticing day trip options, one particular destination stands out for its ability to immerse visitors in the rich local culture and provide profound insights into West Africa's imprint on both the city and the country as a whole: San Basilio de Palenque.

Located just a short distance from Cartagena, San Basilio de Palenque is a historic village with deep roots in Afro-Colombian heritage. It holds the distinction of being the first free town in the Americas, founded by escaped enslaved Africans in the 17th century. Stepping foot into this extraordinary community provides a unique opportunity to witness firsthand the customs, language, and way of life that have been preserved over generations. The Palenquero language, a Spanish-creole blend infused with Bantu languages, is spoken here, serving as a living testament to the village's African origins. Engaging with the locals, you can partake in traditional music and dance, savor authentic Afro-Colombian cuisine, and delve into the captivating stories and oral history that have been passed down through generations.


A A home in the Palenque village


Experience the Americas’ first “Free Town”

Slavery played a prominent role in the history of Colombia, leaving a lasting impact on its society and contributing to racial inequalities that persist to this day. During the colonial era, Colombia, then known as New Granada, was a major hub in the transatlantic slave trade. The enslaved Africans endured immense suffering and exploitation, and their labor was essential for the economic prosperity of the Spanish Empire.

The Magdalena River holds significant historical importance in relation to slavery and the Spanish Empire. The river served as a crucial transportation route, facilitating the movement of goods and people, including enslaved Africans, within the region. It connected the coastal areas, where enslaved Africans were primarily concentrated, to the interior of the country. The Magdalena River played a vital role in supporting the economic activities of the Spanish Empire, as it enabled the transportation of valuable resources, such as gold, silver, and agricultural products, to and from the interior.

Amidst the dark legacy of slavery in Colombia, one remarkable figure emerged as a beacon of hope and resistance. Benkos Biohó, born in the region that is present-day Guinea-Bissau, would become an extraordinary leader and freedom fighter, akin to a South American counterpart of Harriet Tubman. Escaping the bonds of captivity, he founded Palenque, a free town where escaped slaves could seek refuge and forge a new life.

Statue of Palenque founder, Benkos Bioho reaching his arm to the sky breaking from his chains

PPalenque founder, Benkos Biohó


3 Reasons you should visit San Basilio de Palenque

At Her Global Life, we want our community members to go beyond the tourist attractions and experience a deeper connection to the land and people. A day trip to Palenque grants you cultural insight and exposes you to the rich West African culture that is present in Colombia and throughout South America. 

1. Off-the-Beaten-Path Experience:

Off-the-beaten-path experiences are transformative journeys that offer women of color a chance to deeply explore and connect with cultures that often echo their own heritage. These experiences offer an opportunity to delve beyond the typical tourist façade and into the heart of local communities, often unearthing a shared history, and legacy. Such exploration can foster a sense of belonging and mutual respect that is often missed in more conventional travel narratives. 

Palenque's remote location and its dedication to preserving its heritage allow travelers to escape the crowds and enjoy a more intimate encounter with the community. Away from the bustling tourist hubs, visitors can interact with friendly locals, and witness traditional ceremonies and celebrations that are not typically found in popular tourist destinations. 

2. Support the local Black community

A trip to Palenque provides a valuable opportunity for tourists to directly support the local community. As an Afro-Colombian town with a rich history and vibrant culture, Palenque relies on tourism as an essential source of income and recognition. By visiting Palenque, tourists can contribute to the local economy by purchasing goods and services from community-owned businesses, such as artisanal crafts and traditional foods. Tourists can also choose to make donations to support local initiatives, educational programs, or social projects that aim to empower the community and preserve Afro-Colombian culture.

Tourists who participate in cultural experiences, such as attending traditional music and dance performances or learning about Afro-Colombian history from local guides, demonstrate a genuine interest in the community's heritage. This appreciation fosters a sense of pride and encourages the preservation and celebration of their unique cultural identity. By supporting these cultural expressions, tourists help maintain and revitalize traditional practices, which are a vital part of Palenque's history.

A trip to Palenque goes beyond tourism; it becomes a meaningful way to support the community's social, cultural, and economic development. By engaging with local initiatives, embracing the community's heritage, and making thoughtful choices as consumers, visitors can leave a positive impact and contribute to the resilience and prosperity of Palenque's Afro-Colombian community.

3. Learn more about afro-latinx culture 

Despite the profound historical and contemporary significance of the Afro-Latinx community, their culture is often overlooked, and there are people who are not familiar with the existence of Afro-Latinx people. One of the reasons their culture is overlooked is the pervasive impact of historical erasure and colonial narratives. Throughout Latin America, the contributions and experiences of Afro-Latinx have been marginalized or omitted from mainstream historical accounts. Colonial powers and later societies tended to emphasize European and Indigenous cultures, leading to the invisibility of Afro-Latinx heritage.

Furthermore, the concept of race in many Latin American countries often revolves around a mixture of ethnicities, referred to as "mestizo".  While the idea of racial mixing can be seen as a celebration of diversity, it has also been used to downplay the significance of the African roots of Afro-Latinx. This has resulted in Afro-Latinx identities being overlooked or downplayed in favor of other racial and ethnic labels.

Additionally, media representation and cultural visibility play a significant role. In popular culture, Afro-Latinx representation has been limited, perpetuating stereotypes or presenting a one-dimensional view of the community. The lack of representation reinforces the notion that Afro-Latinx are a minority within a minority, further contributing to their overlooked status.

Local Palenque youth performing a traditional dance at their cultural center.


Did You Know?

Between 10 - 12 million enslaved Africans were transported across the Atlantic to the Americas. Only 4-6% were sent to British North America (US). Well over 90% were sent to Latin America and the Caribbean, with Brazil having the largest Black population outside of Africa.

Which tour company should you choose?

Experience Real Cartagena is highly recommended for the Palenque tour because it is an Afro-Colombian-owned tour company that offers a culturally immersive and authentic experience. Choosing a tour operator that is owned and operated by members of the local Afro-Colombian community ensures that a significant portion of the tourism revenue directly benefits the people and supports their sustainable development.

Prepare to book your trip to Palenque

While other day trips from Cartagena may showcase natural beauty or historical sites, a visit to San Basilio de Palenque stands out as a transformative encounter with living history, providing invaluable insights into the profound imprint of West Africa on both Cartagena and the entire country of Colombia.

While Cartagena offers a myriad of enticing day trip options, one particular destination stands out for its ability to immerse visitors in the rich local culture and provide profound insights into West Africa’s imprint on both the city and the country as a whole: San Basilio de Palenque.
— Best Day Trip from Cartagena


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