Sonder Living: HerGlobalLife™

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Immersing Women Of Color In Travel, Culture, And Connection


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For so long, women of color have been cultural pioneers who constantly push boundaries and shape global trends. Although we are leaders in so many aspects of life, it’s quite rare to come across personal narratives that place us at the center of global travel and exploration. That’s where Her Global Life (HGL) comes into play. The purpose of this movement is to share the stories of women of color who have made the bold decision to step outside of their comfort zone, travel, and experience the beauty of this planet.

In our first HGL blog, we would like to share our backstory and the main goals for this community in the next few years.

The Beginning Of HGL

It all began when HGL founder, Adrina Patterson, found herself in Spain for a semester abroad in Fall 2017. It was the perfect opportunity to expand her educational horizons while embracing Spain’s culture, history, architecture, and natural wonders. This life-changing experience inspired her to complete a master’s degree in the UK and spend more time travelling in Europe.


As an American who grew up in a Southern town with little diversity, studying abroad was Adrina’s chance to gain new perspective and embrace cultures outside of her own. These experiences are also the driving force behind HGL - a supportive travel community for women of color who travel, study, or work abroad.

Our Values And Goals: Building A Community Of Curious Travelers

Travelling has the ability to enrich your life and help you gain a better understanding of the world at large. It’s also a chance to become more aware of the privileges and disadvantages that may come with travelling as someone from a particular country or background.


HGL Is On A Mission To…

  • Connect like-minded women of color with a keen interest in travel, education and cultural immersion.


  • Encourage women to feel empowered to move abroad and take advantage of awesome opportunities to study and work in countries all over the world.


  • Support small businesses by encouraging community members to engage with local tourism companies.


  • Promote culture-driven travel that extends beyond all-inclusive hotels and tourist attractions.


There are few things as special as travelling the world. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you have the opportunity to visit a new country, go for it! Sometimes going abroad can be overwhelming and challenging, but we’re here to help you through the process.


As part of the HGL rebrand, our website offers custom travel itineraries, travel hacks, resources for studying or moving abroad, international career advice and language learning resources. We’ll also regularly share personal blog entries and articles from contributors that dive deep into culture, society, travel and identity.


If any aspect of our story resonates with you, we invite you to join us on this incredible journey. HGL is only as powerful and impactful as the diverse group of women who form part of this inviting community. We look forward to embarking on this journey with you. Let’s do this!